Knowledgebase Article 81
Gameplay changes between ASC1 and ASC2
- The vehicle function "search manually for mineral resources" is not available any more. All units having this function will scan for resources automatically, without any player intervention.
- New diplomacy system, see KB 79
- New unit + building functions, see KB 80
- Units and Buildings can now load an arbitrary number of units as cargo
- Ammo transfer of units can not be limited certain weapon systems any more. If the unit has a service weapon and the ExternalAmmoTransfer function (which is a unit function, not a weapon function!), it can transfer ammo for all weapon systems. If one of its weapon systems has the old "ammo_transfer" flag, the ExternalAmmoTransfer function will automatically be set and the unit therfor transfer ammo for all its weapon systems
- The NetControl building-dialog has been scrapped. If a building is conquered, all resources are automatically migrated to the net as much as possible
- The ProduceAmmo building-dialog has been scrapped. Ammo can be produced on-demand when refilling units, but not on its own.
Mineral resources are consumed by mining stations 3 times as fast as in ASC1.
- Having tranports nested into each other doesn't give a movement bonus for the inner units. All units that are somehow inside a transport are treated the same.
- Units can't block each other if they are on different levels of height (floating and ground level are treated as having the same height). So now a satellite can no longer prevent a submarine from moving across its field.
Last change: Mon, 2007-03-12 13:57
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