Knowledgebase Article 92

Customizing the Cargo Dialog

tag nametypecontent
Container Parameter
UserName text The name as specified by the user. Will be empty unless the user explicitly named the unit / building
CargoUsage text Weight of current cargo and max weight of cargo , example "20 / 120"
CargoUsage text Weight of current cargo and max weight of cargo , example "20 / 120"
UsedCargoSlots text The number of used cargo slots
SlotSummary text Used slots of the container, and total slots. Example: "3 / 5"
CargoSlotCount text Total number of cargo slots
LoadingMeter3 bargraph Ratio of used cargo slots to total number of cargo slots
MaxLoadableWeight text The maximum weight that the container can load
UnitTypeName text Name of the unit type / building type
UnitTypeDescription text Short description of the unit type / building type
SlotSummary text Used slots of the container, and total slots. Example: "3 / 5"

Selected Unit Parameter
TypeImage image Icon indicating the currently selected unit's categorie (known internally as 'movemalus type'). Examples are 'heavy tracked vehicle', 'hovercraft'
Weight text Weight of unit
SelectedSlotSummary text Used slots of the selected unit, and total slots. Example: "3 / 5"
SelectedCargoUsage text Weight of the cargo that the selected unit in the current contains carries, and max weight of cargo , example "20 / 120"
SelectedLoadingMeter3 bargraph Ratio of used cargo slots to total number of cargo slots of currently selected unit
SelectedUsedCargoSlots text The number of used cargo slots of currently selected unit
SelectedCargoSlotCount text Total number of cargo slots of currently selected unit
SelectedMaxLoadableWeight text The maximum weight that the currently selected unit can load
SelectedUserName text The name of the currently selected unit as specified by the user. Will be empty unless the user explicitly named the unit
SelectedUnitTypeName text Name of the of currently selected unit's type
SelectedUnitTypeDescription text Description of the of currently selected unit's type

Building Parameter
MaxSolarPower text The maximum output of a solar power plant
CurrentSolarPower text The actual output of a solar power plant
Weather image Icon indicating the weather at the current container's position
CurrentWindPower text The actual output of a wind power plant
WindSpeed text Wind speed at the current container's position
CurrentCargo text Total Weight of currently selected unit

unsortierte Parameter
Selected3DImageSmall image Image of the currently selected unit (not the image shown on map, but typically a rendered 3D image)
ContainerImage Image The map image of the container
TypeImage image Icon indicating the currently selected unit's categorie (known internally as 'movemalus type'). Examples are 'heavy tracked vehicle', 'hovercraft'
Container3DImageSmall image Image of the container (not the image shown on map, but typically a rendered 3D image)
UnitName text Name of the container, may either be (depending on availability) user given name, type name or type description
UnitClass text Type name of the container, will only be displayed if UnitName != type name
unitpad_unitsymbol SpecialDisplay The map image of the container
LoadingMeter2 bargraph ratio of cargo weight to total loadable weight of container
CargoWeight text Weight of all cargo
FreeWeight text Free weight of container
MaxWeight text Maximum weight that the container can load
FreeSlots text Number of unused cargo slots
MaxSlots text Total number of cargo slots
MaxUnitSize text Maximum weight that a single loadable unit may have
RepairCostLabel text Label describing the command for repairing the container: "Cost for reparing x%" / "No repair possible"
EnergyCost,MaterialCost,FuelCost text The cost for repairing the container
Jamming text The jamming power of the container
View text The readar power of the container
Armor text Armor of container
ResXXYY text Fields for outputting the resource network description table
ResPerTurnLocal text Research points that the container produces every turn
ResPerTurnGlobal text Total research of all labs that the player owns
CostLocal[1-3] text Energy, Material and Fuel consumption for research of container
CostGlobal[1-3] text Energy, Material and Fuel consumption for research of all labs
AvailGlobal text Time until research of current technology is complete
CurrentTech text Name of current technology
EnergyIn , MaterialIn, FuelIn text Resources that the mining station / matter converter consumes
EnergyOut, MaterialOut, FuelOut text Resources that the mining station / matter converter generates
PowerSlider slider Slider for controlling the workload of the mining station / matter converter
AvailGlobal text Time until research of current technology is complete
UnitTypeList / UnitTypeListHorizontal scrollarea Shows the icons for the unit categories ('light wheeled vehicle' etc) that the container can load. UnitTypeList shows them vertically, UnitTypeListHorizontal horizontally
DamageBar UserHandler Showing the current damage and repairable damage of container
MiningGraph UserHandler Shows the mineral resource graph of a mining station
ResearchGraph UserHandler Shows the research cost graph of a lab
ResourceTable UserHandler Contains the table of the resource network information
ButtonPanel UserHandler Shows the buttons for switching between subwindows
ScrollArea UserHandler Area with cargo slots, must contain a child widget called 'UnitSlot'

Attributes of unit slot

tag nametypecontent
unitposx / unitposy text coordinates at which the unit image will be shown inside the slot widget
DamageBar bargraph shows the damage of the unit
FuelBar bargraph Fuel of unit
MaterialBar bargraph Material of unit
CargoBar bargraph Used up cargo capacity (weight) of unit
SlotBar bargraph Used up cargo slots of unit

Last change: Mon, 2009-08-24 16:24

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